RAISE’s goal is to implement an innovative strategy to 1) create a one of a kind internship HUB to assist an offer each year, 55 paid fall, spring, and summer internships with USDA, Texas AgriLife Extension and Bobcat Farm to not just the host institution, Texas State University students, but also to a group of partnering community college students, 2) target urban counties to broadcast USDA opportunities to a wider, non-traditional agriculture audience allowing students to engage directly in county challenges and feel a sense of making a difference, 3) provide tools to include families and intentionality in career choices (on-boarding process), 4) implement of a unique mentoring program using former USDA fellows that have already participated in an internship and have employment in USDA or government agencies, and 5) target FANH majors other that agriculture (Nutrition, Family and Consumer Science, Engineering, Biology, Chemistry).
Community college students will make a connection with the four-year university by being dually enrolled at each institution and gain course credit to be applied once transfer takes place. The newly developed AG 1110 (Careers in Agriculture) curriculum will develop the career and leadership skills of 1500 students.