Dr. Doug Morrish
Professor - Agricultural Education, Associate Dean (College of Applied Arts)

Upon receiving his bachelor’s degree, Dr. Morrish taught secondary agriculture at Jacksonville High School. Dr. Morrish served as a faculty member in agricultural education at Illinois State University before arriving at Texas State University in 2005. He is married to Jan, a public school elementary counselor, and has two stepchildren, Jace and Jenjer. In his free time, he enjoys hunting and kayak fishing at the coast. His research areas include student teacher placement methodology, technical agriculture competencies, and barriers to college student success.
Ph.D. Agricultural Education, Texas A&M University, 2003
M.S. General Agriculture, Stephen F. Austin State University, 2000
B.S. Animal Science, Stephen F. Austin State University, 1996
- AG 4212 – Course Building
- AG 4681 – Student Teaching in Agricultural Education
- AG 4311 – Methods of Teaching for Career and Technology Educators
- AGED 5330 – Research Methods