Dr. Xiangping Liu
Assistant Professor - Agricultural Economics, Resource, and Environmental Economics

Dr. Xiangping Liu’ primary research area is broadly in the field of agricultural, resource, and environmental economics with special emphasis on natural resource policy design and evaluation, spatial and temporal factors in the optimal design of land conservation policy, non-market value of land uses using hedonic approach, as well as policy interactions and conflicts. She studies these issues through theoretical models and empirical analyses. She uses advanced quantitative methods, e.g., semi-parametric matching methods and spatial econometrics, together with traditional econometric methods and large spatial data to perform empirical tests of microeconomic theory and to quantify the effects of potential policies. She adopts an interdisciplinary approach as the study related to natural resource and ecosystem conservation is an interdisciplinary endeavor.
Besides her primary research area, she also works on other microeconomic topics which she finds interesting and where her econometric skills are valuable. She has explored land certification programs in Ethiopia, market regulation in India, the impact of exports on firm productivity in Columbia, broadband loan programs in the United States, and disentangled moral hazard and adverse selection effects using hospital invoice data in Croatia. Prior to joining Texas State University, she held research/teaching positions at North Carolina State University, University of Gothenburg in Sweden, University of Tennessee, Knoxville.
Ph.D. in Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of Maryland, 2008
M.S. in Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of Maryland, 2004
M.A. in Agricultural Economics, Renmin University of China, 2001
B.S. in Economics and Management, Southwest University, Chongqing, 1998
Courses taught:
- AG 5300 Applied Statistics and Econometrics for Agriculture
- AG 4381 Agricultural Policy
- AG 3350 Intermediate Microeconomics and its Application in Agriculture
- AG 3352: Quantitative Methods in Agricultural Economics (Summer session)
- AG 2390: Computer Applications in Agriculture
Research interests:
- Environmental Evaluation and Policies
- Natural Resource Economics and Conservation
- Applied Econometrics
- Agricultural and Food Policy
- Development Economics
- Policy Interactions and Policy Conflicts